Monday, April 16, 2007

One Love!!!

Hi People!!!

How are you all doing? How was the election break/weekend? Hope you did enjoy it?

It was sure a mixed feelings break because of the election, some people were happy the vote result tilted their way while some aren't. Some feel the election was rigged while some feel it was free and fair to some extent. Some are cursing right now and wishing while some are praising and happy. Whatever and however we all feel this week, just let your love for each other remain the same, the ultimate is that we are hale and hearty today.

We should all pray that all declared candidates for each position should have enough conscience to do what they have promised and that God guide them and direct them into remembering that we are one and should be treated with one Love!

As we prepare for the presidential election, we should all remember to abstain from any form of violence whether consciously or unconsciously while still praying that God remembers this country and come to our aid via our leaders by changing their hearts into good.

I strongly believe that not all are corrupt, they probably have good intentions but somehow can't or don't seem to get things done the right way, so, thats why i say we should keep praying that God come to our aid to deliver and save this country from all the problems its being going through!!

I know most of us will be busy right now so do have a wonderful day and be happy!!!


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